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Barletta Boats

Learning Center

Learn everything you need to know about pontoon boat ownership through videos, blogs, and more. 

Olivia Hudak

Avid boater and Barletta Boats team member, Olivia is no stranger to the water. She was on the MSU wake team through college and continues to ride the wake in her spare time.

6 mins

Boating isn’t always the same for everyone. Some people choose to boat on inland lakes whereas other people choose to boat on Intracoastal waterways....

It’s nearly impossible to keep your boat completely dry. At some point, you will likely get at least a little bit of water pooling in the bottom of...

Are you thinking about purchasing a new boat but wondering where it’ll live if you choose to leave it in the water? Depending on where you boat, you...

5 mins

Summer fun is only a few weeks away. Everyone is itching to get out on the boat after, what seemed like, a never-ending winter. We’re all ready for...

5 mins

The days are starting to get warmer and the sun is shining for longer hours during the day. That’s right, summer is just around the corner for all of...

5 mins

One of the most necessary items you need to have with you on your boat are sunglasses. When the water starts reflecting the sun, you’ll be in trouble...

After spending the last few summers on dry land, you and your family have decided it’s time to get a boat. Everyone is super excited about it so you...

5 mins

If you boat in saltwater or plan to travel to the coast with your boat, there’s a component you should have onboard that not everyone is aware of....

5 mins

If you’re new to the boating world, there’s one piece of advice I have that may be the most important thing you learn pertaining to your boat. Get to...